Tag Archives: Reputation

Governance leadership – reflections on Enron, Toshiba and VW

As governance leaders, we need to understand what goes wrong inside organisations to have a chance of preventing a recurrence.  The fact that corporate crises – such as Toyota and VW – continue to happen does not take away from the need to learn the lessons.  In fact, it increases the urgency of the challenge.  And

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Companies don’t fail – boards do. The Volkswagen emissions scandal

Well, what is there to say about the emissions scandal inside Volkswagen (VW), the biggest car manufacturer in Europe, and a major global player? Maybe we could start by quoting the words of the President and CEO of Volkswagen’s US group, Michael Horn, who has admitted that the company “totally screwed up” in using software to

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The least-discussed change to the 2014 Code … and why company secretaries provide the solution

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has finalised its two-yearly review of the UK Corporate Governance Code (Code). What is interesting is not the much-heralded changes – around organisational sustainability, risk, and remuneration – which has generated the most commentary, though hardly anyone can have been surprised with the outcome. If you haven’t seen the new

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