Category Archives: Directors

Why governance professionals should promote the Galileo Principle

There may seem little in common between Galileo and company secretaries and other governance professionals, but bear with me! Galileo (1564 – 1642) lived towards the end of the Renaissance period, a time of social and cultural change which produced other great cultural polymaths such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Galileo was known as

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Improving governance inside your organisation

Would you like to improve the quality of governance inside your organisation? As an introduction, read my blog about my discussion with George Alagiah, BBC journalist, about value destruction. We talked about whether governance failure, or economics failure, was likely to wreak the most damage. Then sign up for my two-day workshop on how to

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Company secretaries – what they don’t teach you at business school

Twenty company secretaries gathered recently for dinner under the auspices of the Leadership Development Programme. Our guest speaker for the evening was Graham Staples, Group Company Secretary at Schroders plc, a constituent of the FTSE100, and Europe’s largest independent listed asset management company. Graham has over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry,

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